Thursday, June 19, 2008

Mayor's wife killed

Zimbabwe's opposition party said four of its activists and the wife of Harare's mayor -- an opposition member -- have been killed by supporters of President Robert Mugabe

Harare mayor's wife found bludgeoned to death
Mayoress one of five people found murdered Thursday
Government strongly denies any involvement in latest deaths

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Hulk Hogan's wife wants him jailed over condo purchase

Linda Bollea is asking that Hogan be jailed in Pinellas County. That's where the couple's son is serving an eight-month sentence after pleading no contest to causing a crash that seriously injured his friend.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Spanish fishermen strike over fuel prices

Several hundred Spanish fishermen went on strike for a third day in and around Barcelona to protest high fuel prices.
Price of fuel has gone up 40 percent in Spain in the past three years.
Nineteen boats that normally fish for shrimp and hake were instead docked in Barcelona's port. At least six boats were on strike in villages to the north, and more than 50 boats were idle.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Dimond the size of a ping pong ball sells 6 million in Asia !!!

A private collector has plunked down $6 million to buy the largest diamond ever sold at auction in Asia.
''Three other diamonds of 100 carats or more have sold at auctions in Europe, but this was the first purchase of such a stone in an Asian auction'' said Kate Swan Malin.
"Some collectors would absolutely wear this out," Malin said, "but it would be for a very special occasion, obviously."

original post

Monday, May 26, 2008

Supply fears keep oil above $ 132

Oil was supported above $132 a barrel Monday in Asia by ongoing worries about global petroleum supplies.
Oil and other hard commodities are seen as hedges against a weakening greenback and inflation.
The dollar, one of the factors that has fed oil's rally from about $65 a year ago, was slightly weaker against the yen and the euro in Asian currency trading early afternoon in Tokyo.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

China quake toll pas 50000 !

''The death toll from the devastating earthquake in southwestern China has leaped to 51,151 -- an increase of almost 10,000'' government officials said.
This quake injured 288,431 people, with 29,328 missing.
And earthquake has causes more than 4,000 orphans. has killed more than 41,000 people and left more than 5 million homeless.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Starvation warning for Children in Myanmar

''Thousands of children in Myanmar will starve to death in two to three weeks unless food is rushed to them'' an aid agency warned.
''Myanmar's isolationist ruling generals were even forbidding the import of communications equipment'' said The United Nations. They should gave out food and receive help from others. this is so inhuman.....
"We have small boats, which could allow us to go through the delta to most of the regions where no one has accessed yet," France's U.N. ambassador said. "We have small helicopters to drop food, and we have doctors."

Watch people finding food and clothes.
Watch analyst compare Myanmar's disaster response to China »

Thursday, May 15, 2008

current event 5/16 Myanmar cyclone toll estimates soar

Myanmar cyclone toll estimates soar.

The death toll from a killer cyclone in Myanmar could be "in the region of 100,000 or even more," the chief of the USA Humanitarian Affairs said " his organization already has confirmed 38,491 deaths -- much more than the 22,000 figure from Myanmar's government. "

The weather report say there won't be second cyclone.

"The government had authorized five more U.S. flights to land in Myanmar with supplies. The flights will deliver 46 pallets loaded with bottled water, plastic sheeting and hygiene kits as well as crackers and powdered milk" said a U.S. Marine spokesman.

Monday, May 12, 2008

current event 5/12

-- Nearly 900 students were feared buried by the 7.8 magnitude earthquake that hit China's Sichuan province Monday afternoon.
The report didn't say if the buried students were still alive. They were buried when their high school collapsed.

Another person was killed when a water tower fell in Mianyang, a news agency said.

Watch video about this

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Somalis riot over food prices

Thousands of people rioted in the streets of the Somali capital on Monday to protest rising food prices and shops' refusal to accept Somali currency.
Two protesters reported killed by government troops, it is causing a lot of problem if the price of food is growing higher.

see the video for this article.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Myanmar cyclone death toll 'nears 4,000

Almost 4,000 people have died and another 3,000 remain missing in Myanmar as a result of this weekend's devastating cyclone.

"The biggest need is getting water for the two million affected people," World Vision spokesman Casey Calamusa told CNN. you can see that is pretty hard to get clean water after cyclone.


For the people who lost their homes take shelter in a Buddhist temple in Yangon.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

current events

a man in India was incensed that a six years old girl walked through a path that are only for the upper caste [ India social levels ], and pushed her into burning embers. and she was seriously burned. the girl is a Dalit, which means untouchable group. are always being discriminate.

The girl was walking with her mother down a path. He scolded them both and pushed her. and the girl fall down into a pile of burning embers by the side of the road. The man confessed to the crime and was charged with attempted murder

Sunday, April 27, 2008

RENO, Nevada | 100 aftershocks |

There are more than 100 aftershocks happened at western edge of Reno, Nevada.
More than 100 aftershocks were recorded on the western edge of the city after a magnitude-4.7 11.40 p.m. earthquake hit Friday night. but there were no reports of injuries or widespread major damage.
Seismologists said the recent activity is unusual because the quakes started out small and continue to build in strength. The normal pattern is for a main quake followed by smaller aftershocks.

Friday, April 25, 2008

the right to live # 2

Do we have right to kill animals to eat ? of course we have the right to eat animals, but even though we can still survive without killing animals to eat. we don't lose the right to kill the animals.
Animals kills animals to survive, is really simple
. is the food web, but what about the animals that are surviving in a terrible environment, the people who raise them just raise them for us to eat. They grow up just for us to eat. there are no no freedom... people raise them in a small place, if the people have 100 meter square of land, and only raise 10 caws. the framer still have to pais the money to keep the land, but if you raise 100 caws, you will have to pay the same amout of money for the land, but you get more money on raising the cows. thinking about how can we raise them in a quicker way. and a better way. normally If the animals have 5 years to grow up from baby to a big animals. if they can make them have 3 years to grow , they can raise more money in a quicker way. but the animals has forced to eat more chemicals and more stuff that can help them grow faster in a shorter time.
and still we keep the right to killing animals. we love meat. If we don't need meat. why we raise them ? we the people.. always do somethings for some reason. if we don't eat them, then we can just leave them in wild.

Want to know more ??
yes of course
no thank you

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

the right to live

Right is right, >\\<> right is something that you are allowed, it somethings you are born, just kidding with it is something that you don't need to earn but you might lose them if you are not a good right keeper.......
Some animals just like too many, or harm us, makes us want to kill it, i think the kind of animals that are just harm us, still have the right to live, but we don't really respect, somethings like mosquitoes, they harm to human, they are just useless. that a things that we think that are no right to survive. some animals like there are too many, that moment when we kill them, we think that they are still plenty of them, around the world, Some animals have the merit to watch, to entertain us, that part of somethings that they can do for us, so we keep them, we respect their right, they are useful to us. I think that we respect a animal depends on what they can do for us, what kind of merit they have and how special they are, if there are too many pandas all around the world, i don't think humans will keep them in zoo for us to watch.

some animals like frogs that we that are easier to get, are more suitable for us to dissect, you won't feel bad after you kill them. but when we dissect some animals that are useful to us i don't think that we are comfortable dissect them, human use the what they have for us, and they deserve to live, and provided us what they have.

For me i think that every things have the right to live or to doing what they have right to do, but sometime, sometimes human ignore those rights. they have right to survive, but then it depends on how people think about those animals, i think if people are not tried to kill them, they must have somethings that human can pretty much the same things when you are cleaning your bedroom, you keep things that are useful to you, and remove all the junk away, of course all the junks have the rights to stay in your room, but all of those junks are not useful, they are wasting up space. they are not useful to you, so you don't keep them.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

bus crash in spain

A bus that carry Finnish tourists crashed in southern Spain on Saturday. 8 people died and 16 people injured. The bus collided with another vehicle, and overturn on hte Ap-7 coastal highway near the coastal resort of Benalmadena.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

plane crash kills 38 in Congo | current event | 4/17

At least 38 people killed in the accident. More than 100 people were in hospital with injuries and there was 20 people are missing. the governor said that they will fix the runway. which was shortened six years ago when a volcano eruption destroyed nearly half of the city of Goma. i think the reasons are engine failure and the shortened runway cause the crash.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Orphan boy lives in garbage dump

the orphan boy eat discarded food to eat. the reporter interview a boy named khin zaw lin, he don't know how old is he, but he think he is 7, he has only his adopted mom and his toy gun to protect him. and this boy is part of refugee group in Thai garbage dump from Myanmar

Lin is one of about 300 refugees in the dump who survive on other people's trash. Many are children. Some are women with babies.

how can a child spent his entire childhood in this garbage ? i think how he suppose to go to school or something ?
in the article it said that the boy doesn't have passport, it a part of the group of refugees from Myanmar that don't officially exits.

community contrubutor

i think that i need to improve explanation, cause every time when i explain to my partner, i need to explain more that one time. if this is improved, than our team can work better.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

reflection 04/10

i was a community contributor, i help lydia with her grades things, i was also a active learner, because i think and explain the and i was problem solver, i restart my laptop after my computer has freeze.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Rules for blogging

# You can't post a virus on other people 's blog. you can share ideas and comments about an articles by comment on it.

# Don't share your personal information.

# be polite, don't insult others .

# No posting inappropriate pictures, videos and movies. etc

# Don't copy and paste from others people 's blog.

Monday, March 10, 2008


today i was an community contributors. i talk with Lydia. andi listening carefully. i do what i suppose to do. i was an persons of high character.